Monthly Archives: August 2010

Blog 22. August 2010

English: Back home again.

Norsk: Hjemme igjen, mamma og jeg hadde fire fine dager i Irland. Her hjemme er alt som før, friske hunder, butikken står fortsatt og alt bare vellstand. Da er det nattevakt igjen, som ser ut til å være en utfordring for kroppen.

Babe har fått løpetid og vi har besluttet å pare henne med Zac. Babe hadde jo som kjent et tyvparingskull for ett drøyt år siden, og det passet fint å ha et kull på henne nå igjen. Vi vet at Zac i kombinasjon med Astra linjer har gitt gode resulater tidligere, så valget av hannhund var ikke vanskelig i den sammenhengen her. Vi tror at dette vil bli hunder som kan nå langt innen agility, men selvsagt også i gjeting og lydighet. De fleste farger er mulig i denne kombinasjonen, men det vil trolig bli flest sorte avkom, med og uten tan markeringer i ansiktet.

Canen Curly

Craig in 2009

Okay, here is one picture of Craig 😉Toddy Lamb is the owner and handler of this outstanding dog.

Ireland 9. August 2010

Today we went to Curracloe, to Toddy Lambe and his family. They live in beautiful surroundings in the south east of Ireland. Unfortunately the British Kennel Club work just as slow as the Norwegian Kennel Klub, so therefore the registration number for Craig isn’t ready yet, but the hispcore will be done soon. I will not bring you film and photos of Craig in this round, not until one of our females are mated.

We went up early in the morning. There’s luxury at this hotel, and we got breakfast at the room 5:30.

We had a nice morning at Toddy’s place, talking about dogs, breeding etc. And bringing Craig to the vet.

On our way home we drove all the way up the east coast, beautiful landscape, and look at this house we found at the crossroad.

I belive most Norwegians would not think of Ireland as a place with sand beaches and plams, but there is 😉

And many people were out fishing 😉

Dublin 8. August 2010

This hotel is to warm…

Of course I had to bring my computer…

The car from Herz…a litle Ford KA…This was also one of these restaurants that was a “brown” pub serving dinner as well…Typical entrance…And the cheesecake…

Video 8. August 2010

Took this film just for fun 😉

Husker dere den dagen det var sol i sommer 😉 Da tok jeg denne filmen for morro skyld 😉 Tidvis gjete-psykose på mine herlige små, men vi koser oss i vår “lille gale” hundeverden … så sånn kan det se ut når vi går på tur.

Dublin 7. August 2010

OK, here we are, finally we found the hotel after driving up and down the same road three times. It’s not easy this left-hand driving, and for me in a reversed car 😉

This evening me and my mum went to a “brown” Irish pub here at the hotel…to much people and noise I think…I belive I was tired ten times before my mum 😉

Canen Cadi

Blog 7. August 2010

On my way to Dublin, Ireland 😉

Canen Kane